
The puzzle game with a twist!

The goal of Scrumble is to assemble an image from its composite parts. The trick: A tile can be moved horizontally only if at least one other tiles is left or right of it. Likewise, it can be moved vertically if at least one other tile is above or below it.

This sounds easier as it is and is harder then one might think. Try for yourself! Scrumble contains 66 levels in 7 packages with increasing complexity.

Current Version:
2.0, October 30, 2024
iPhone or iPod touch or iPad with iOS 14 or later


How does the game work?

The goal of Scrumble is to assemble an image by moving its parts into place.

Parts can be moved vertically if at least one part is adjacent either above or below of them.

Parts can be moved horizontally if at least one part is adjacent either left or right of them.

If all parts are connected as in the original, the level is completed successfully.

Depending on the number of moves, up to three stars can be achieved.

The playing field can be scrolled with a two-finger gesture.

Zooming in and out is possible with a two-finger pinch gesture.

How can I progress to the next level?

Each new level becomes available when the level before was solved.

What does it mean when a trophy appears next to the stars?

The Trophy means that the level was solved with less moves than before. This is always true when a level is solved for the first time.